St Ives Sculling Punts
The 13ft St Ives Sculling Punts are owned by the Jumbo Association and were built by Jonny Nance. They are replicas of a typical example built in 1910 for the mackerel boat Jonadab which his father, Dicon Nance recorded in 1975. They are robustly built to withstand a ground sea and flat-bottomed, so they float in shallow water. Originally used to get crew and gear aboard and to land fish, the larger fishing luggers (such as Jonadab) would haul their punts on deck, for their seasonal voyages to the North Sea.
Jonny launched the first replica in 2005 as a tribute to his father which, in turn, inspired the building of the Jumbos. Today the replicas are used as tenders to the St Ives Jumbos and to promote the practice of ‘scullying’. These punts will be used for Saturday’s competitive scullying event.
www.stivesjumbo.com; www.jonnynance.com